At 10:09 AM on 10/29/2002, Pete Weiss typed ...

P> At 19:46 10/28/2002 Monday, Bill Blinn wrote:
P>  >There may be, but I usually take the cheap, easy way out and suggest
P>  >that the user switch to proportional-type display instead of
P>  >fixed-pitch display. I presume that could also be set as the default.

P> Just to be sure it is clear, that is LISTSERV WEB interface archive
P> button (1.8d) or Option selection (1.8e) e.g.,


P> that displays at the top of the message.

P> /P

Yes. Changing to proportional causes long lines to wrap as expected.
I haven't had the time (or the desire or need, really) to examine why
this works, but it does seem to work for those who read the list
on-line or who just need to use the archive occasionally.

Bill Blinn - 10/29/2002 at 11:09 AM
William Blinn Communications, Columbus, Ohio
Random thought: We're lost but we're making good time.