> If a SUBJ subscriber replies, quite invariably his message subject
> header will start (perhaps after a "Re:" ... or its abominable
> "translation" in a national language) with "[listname]" (or any other
> word devised for SUBJ subscribers in the list headers).
> Does LISTSERV strip such a tag before distribution? If yes, does it
> follow the usual rule (taking care of "Re:", preserving 
> anything else)?

It appears to work as you hope.  I'm personally set to SUBJ on this
list.  As I'm composing this reply my MUA shows 'RE: [LSTOWN-L] Subject
stripping of SUBJECTHDR replies' in the Subject: line.  What do you see
in your Subject: line right now?

I did q quick search of the online archives of posts I made in the month
of November (only 4...must've been a slow month :) and none of the
Subject: lines had [LSTOWN-L] in them.


Michael Shannon
[log in to unmask]

"Before you can grow old and wise you must first survive being young and
stupid." - Ancient Proverb

Note: Opinions expressed on this list are my own and do not reflect the
views, opinions or position of my employer.  If swallowed, seek medical