At 10:24 2002/12/05 -0600, you wrote:
>What is the designation of a level set?  Is 1.8d to 1.8e a new level set,


>is 1.7something to 1.8something a new level set?

No.  These are full version releases.

>And I remember seeing
>messages on different versions of 1.8d that was designated by date.  Could
>you explain the types of reasons for or changes in that release?

They've been described before on this list.  Specifically there were two
level-set releases of 1.8d, designated 2000a and 2000b, that added a few
features and fixed a few bugs in the vanilla 1.8d release.  Release notes
for these level sets are linked from the 1.8d manuals
page: .  The 1.8d kits still
found on our FTP site (in the old-1.8d directories under the platform
directories) are at the 1.8d-2000b level-set level.

When we make fixes, particularly if they need to be carefully tested in
beta situations before being generally released, we do not create new kits
for all supported operating systems, but only for the OS(es) under which
the problem has been reported.  When we are ready to offer the fixes
generally (ie, provide kits with all the fixes for all supported OSes
simultaneously), but do not consider the fixed code a full new release, we
call it a "level set" (because it brings all kits to the same level of the
