> I've tried adding the following line to the List Header:
> Attachments= Yes,image/gif,image/jpeg

Been there, done that...and found that it's less than perfect.  Because
of the plethora of MUAs and the ubiquitousness of Outlook (which is a
known culprit of MIMEing badly), trying to filter attachments is a very
diffcult affair.  There are 'standards' that are supposed to be followed
but some developers refuse to stick to them (Outlook, anyone?).

When I did some testing a while back I found that the best way to ensure
images are distributed correctly was to code 'Attachments= Yes'.  As you
can see, it has the unfortunate effect of allowing everything else, too.
'Attachments= yes, image'  was marginally more successful but it still
missed about 10-15%.  Trying to specify each of the MIME types was a
joke; only about 25% of images made it through and none from Outlook.
Funny enough, the only service that seemed to implement it properly all
the time was an online freemail account.  Go figure.

See the Site Manager's manual P.239 for a pretty good explanation of the
whys and wherefores.

> Any tips on how to make this work?

Set Sizelim= to keep total filesize to a sane level.  I can't remember
exactly but I think Sizelim=1000 will give you enough lines to allow
about 50KB to be attached.  By limiting it you can prevent some joker
from attaching a 15MB TIFF or their entire collection of holiday happy


Michael Shannon
[log in to unmask]

"Before you can grow old and wise you must first survive being young and
stupid." - Ancient Proverb

Note: Opinions expressed on this list are my own and do not reflect the
views, opinions or position of my employer.  If swallowed, seek medical