>We modified the site.wwwtpl and trailer.html. But the site.wwwtpl is
>removed from /archives everyday and trailer.html was restored to the
>original copy at midnight. We want to know what process is doing
>magic work and how to prevent this happening again.

If you're modifying them in the /archives directory then you're doing
it in the wrong place.  These files originally reside in LISTSERV's
/main directory.  Every midnight LISTSERV reads the files from the
/main directory and rebuilds all the WWW files in the /archives

What you need to do is either use the web interface to modify your
templates, which lets LISTSERV do all the file creation/editing and
puts them in the correct place, or else move your hand-modified
templates into the /main directory.  Also, the file you need to
modify for TRAILER.HTML is default.mailtpl; search for the heading

I'd suggest looking at the Site Manager's Manual, chapter 9.7.


Michael Shannon
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"Before you can grow old and wise you must first survive being young
and stupid." - Ancient Proverb

Note: Opinions expressed on this list are my own and do not reflect
the views, opinions or position of my employer.  If swallowed, seek
medical advice.