On Wed, 15 Jan 2003, Paul Karagianis wrote:
> In my case, I want to delete old archives from a group of about 240
> lists and then wave a wand and have the server rebuild the ind files for
> all 240 lists.  I tried restarting the server after deleting the ind files
> on a single test case and Listserv didn't detect the missing ind files,
> contrary to my probable misinterpretation of section 5.4.8.  I seem to
> recall that the trigger I'm looking for is deleting the list.html files
> in the ind parent dir, but would like some reassurance before I actually
> whack 240 lists.  Thanks.

With that many lists, the easiest and quickest thing to do is probably to
simply shut down your Listserv, then restart it. Listserv will rebuild the
index files when it restarts.