First, I apologize if this seems excessivly long.  Just trying to give as
much detail as possible up front.

I am recieving the following error:

The following 2 subscribers are currently being monitored:

Err First Last  Address
--- ----- ----- -------
  1 03/02 03/02 Bryan Fritchie <[log in to unmask]>
                Last error: Unavailable; DSN status was 5.1.1

Please notice that that is *MY* E-Mail address.  I am the List Owner.  I
recieve all posts made to the list (at least, I am pretty sure I do), and I
can post to the list.

I have contacted the hosting company who hosts my domain (which is not
where the List is set up at).  First they told me to subscribe in all lower
case.  That shouldn't matter according to Internet standards, and the
software forces upper case.

Then they came back with:

  1) mailling list software times out connecting to server. This
     can happen during routing issues.
  2) Timeout is set to low and the error check is too strict on
     the mailing list.
  3) Improper headers set back to mailling list software. This
     would only happen if your using a mail client that is still
     being develeoped (non-production)

My E-Mail is the only one that consistently does this, and it has been
happening for well over a month, which makes me want to rule out option 1 &
2.  Option 3 seems ludicrous, since my mail program is not the one sending
back an invalid DNS setting.

After the errors continues, my hosting company told me that they had made a
modification.  They "added the uppercase version of (my) domain to (my)
mail filtering rules".   No change.

I sent them a link to the documentation, but they said they didn't see
anything that would cause this, but they also "added "FRITCHIE.COM" as a
separate entry in your procmail recipe file just in case".

Their last quetion to me was, "It would help to know exactly what test this
listserv is running that is failing. Exactly what command is it executing?"

Can anyone help?  It is increasingly annoying to be unsubscribed every few
days from the lists I manage.

Thanks for any help!!!