On Tue, 11 Mar 2003 12:30:54 EST, "Brian K. Becknell" <[log in to unmask]>  said:

> lsof showed that lsv was sitting on a asdf.mail file. truss of the lsv proces
> showed "sleeping". sendmail showed getting the list and sending it out.
> the lsv log output showed the addresses going out, but never said "11 Mar
> 2003 12:25:23 Done - 1 outbound file (3 rcpts)."

Hmm.. so Sendmail showed "mail sent" logmsgs, but lsv didn't get to Done?

Odd - Sendmail shouldnt be be sending out until it's given a '250 OK' to
lsv, and the 250 OK should get lsv to 'Done'.

I'm wondering if the '250 OK' is getting sent without the TCP Push bit,
so it's left in a buffer waiting for more input, or some similar mess.