At 11:48 -0400 2003-04-23, Ed Agro wrote:
>At 08:55 AM 4/23/03 -0500, Mark R. Williamson wrote:
>If you bore down further, you'll find that Catalist has different
>>details on the two lists and on the two servers. Obviously, it
>>doesn't know that they are names for the same server (and hence the
>>  same list). [...]
>Thanks,  the  explanation is a big help.

You're welcome.

>>Somebody should probably clean up the duplicate and stale list
>>entries.  I'm not sure whether this somebody is State University of
>>New York at Buffalo or L-Soft.
>It would be Buffalo, but I doubt there'd be staff time for it.  Long
>ago,  Buffalo  made space  on the acsu server available to ngo
>and  nonprofit groups,  and support was available. This is no longer the
>case; support is now only available to students and faculty.  Outside lists
>are no longer being accepted, though the old ones have been grandfathered
>in, for which I'm very grateful. -  ed

It's not just outside lists that are duplicated and stale.  There are
also duplicate and stale class-oriented lists.  I'm saying that
somebody should clean up all of the leftover stuff with the old
server name.
