Mendez, Rottman wrote:
> Is that a specific command used? Could you please advise on how that
> command would be sent out.

My suggestion was to use "default-topics=" in the list configuration.
For example,

    Default-Topics= Welcome,other

Everyone that you add or subscribe on their own would gain these
attributes.  You send out a welcoming message when you wish, making sure
that the subject line begins with "Welcome:".  Then you quietly set all
subscribers with topic "-welcome" (left as an exercise).  List mail
without subject line beginning "Welcome:" is sent to everyone always.
Once subscribers are reset with "-welcome", they no longer receive the
welcome posts.  See the site managers manual (or a detailed list owners
manual, I suppose, for more information on Topics.   cheers, wayne

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wayne T Smith [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Monday, May 19, 2003 1:39 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: Announcement by DATE
> Mendez, Rottman wrote:
>>Thanks for the reply, I'm loading by bulk and of course the welcome
>>message is not allowed, so once I import my bulk list I want to send a
>>welcome message to the emails I imported today, I have 1700 others I
>>don't wish to send this message too... is there a command to send to
>>subscribers for only subscription date criteria matching today's date?
> I haven't tried it, but could you add new people with the Topic "New"
> (or some such), then, when you get around to it, send the welcoming
> message only to "Topic=New" subscribers, then quietly remove topic new
> from all subscribers?
> cheers, wayne