In response to an owner query I discovered I had over 2000 entries in
my SIGNUP files for a "Fredrik Williamsberg", whose name was used in
several examples of how to mailbombing by forged subscription, back
around 1996 - 1997.  Sending Listserv email with 2000 command lines like:

register off [log in to unmask]

...loses big time, roughly 12.5 seconds per line, which works out to
what would look like a 7 hour outage.  What's the right way to do this?


That was the question I'm concerned with... as an aside, under VM I
used to periodically halt the server and manually blast everyone who
didn't have a password out of the signup files in a couple of minutes
using some xedit macro.  This was essential if I didn't want my server
croaking every 6 or 8 hours for lack of memory.  It would be nice if
there was a hack or *very* efficiant command that would permit similar
trimming.  Or?