On Thu, 24 Jul 2003, Peter C.S. Adams wrote:
>I get a lot of these from Hotmail and MSN and don't know how to deal with
>them based on the above. What do they mean? The account is over quota (which
>should be 5.2.2)? The account is disabled (which should be 5.2.1)? WTF do
>they mean by "the per-mailbox message length limit is less than the general
>system limit"??

Peter; hotmail and msn subscriptions are probably not worth obsessing
about. I get those same errors periodically from hotmail and msn. My
policy works well. I ignore such errors for a couple of days. If the
problem persists for a particular subscription over the space of two or
three days, it gets deleted. Boom! Problem solved.

Sorry this does not directly answer your question, but that's just my take
on the situation.