
I upgraded our Listserv from 1.8d to 1.8e back in July.  After that, I
started getting a few complaints from users saying that they are not able to
post through web interface.  There is no problem with posting using email

When I tested it myself, although I got a successful confirmation on the web
page, nothing got sent out or archived.  There is always an error in
Listserv log:

Message forwarded to [log in to unmask]
-> RCPT TO:<[log in to unmask]>
550 <[log in to unmask]>: User unknown in local recipient table
-> No recipient left, message aborted.

There was no error logged in our mail log.

When I posted to the same list [log in to unmask], using sendmail command, my
post went through.

I read 2003a "level set" release and did not see any mention of this.  So
it's not a bug.  And if our Listserv or even mail configuration is
incorrect, then why does it work with posting using email?

Any ideas?
