Hello, everybody!

I would first like to introduce myself to you. My name is John Cunniff
from Melrose, MA as aDeaf-Blind. I am the owner of  a list named is
DBSOCIAL (Deaf-Blind Social List).Nice to meet you all.

Now, down to my question. I saw the message you use for REVIEW. My List
Administrator advised me to use PW= command for example:

SET REVIEW DBSOCIAL FOR user@host PW=XXX (XXX replaces as your password)

I followed what he instructed and it worked perfectly. I noticed that
you posted SET REVIEW command WITHOUT a password. I wonder if I leave
out PW= would it work or not? Is it what my List Administrator set that
way? I need to know so, it is good for my future reference.

Thanks in advance!


John Cunniff
IRC Nick: Johnc
Server and Network Administrator

How to get to use DeepSpace Network? Download an IRC Client called is "mIRC", go to http://www.mirc.com/ and download the latest version of mIRC. Then, install a latest version of mIRC and run it. Put a server name to "DeepSpace" on the group name field. Then, put your Nick inthe Nick field and Alternate Nick in Alt. Nick field, your name and E-Mail in Name and E-Mail field then, click on "Connect" button to connect to DeepSpace Network. After you are connected, put #Lobby channel in your channel folder then, click "Add" then, click "Join" button to enter a channel.

E-Mail: mailto:[log in to unmask]
AIM: JCunn27611
ICQ: 53861506
NexTalk: jcunniff <http://www.nextalk.net>
FAX: 781-823-5546

Updated: No new news at this time.