I've got a list with the following bottom banner.  When mail goes out, the first url is *changed* to contain a semicolon after the &A, as in


and of course the url breaks.  The semicolon appears in the archives, so it is happening on the server, it seems.

Text for bottom banner is: (note no semicolon in first url)

    To leave C18-L or adjust your subscription, click here:
               To search the C18-L Archives:
         Selected Readings, C18-L's online bibliography:
                   The C18-L Home Page:

Cheerfulness is contagious, but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a "carrier".

Bill Verity - 814-865-4758  Fax: 814-863-7049
215A Computer Building - Information Technology Services, Penn State University
At the office - on my Mac, of course ;-)