At 11:44 02/06/2004 Friday, Stan Horwitz wrote:
 >I don't handle tech support here, but I just turned the web feature on
 >when I installed Listserv. We do not offer any training on it. Most people
 >just figure out the web interface; its actually quite intuitive, plus
 >people still have the option of interacting with Listserv via email if
 >that's their cup of tea.
End Reply

It is very intuitive, though I did figure one thing out after I applied
the "duh!" factor:

you can do a change of subscription address when interrogating a
particular user's subscription.

BTW under LISTSERV 1.8d (haven't tried under 1.8e), if you do a change of
name and email address for the existing subscriber (via the WEB int'f),
it applies the name change FIRST and sends that to the old address, and
then does the change of RFC822 address.  That always seemed bassackwards
to me ;-)
