> I have a bit of a dilemma! I wonder if anyone else has come across when
> upgrading to the new web version  1.8e this problem.   I am trying to
> migrate files from our old version 1.8c to new version.   However our list
> were set up as separate, so the logs look like listname.01-00001 instead of
> listname.log0101.    I am trying to concatenate these files by month by
> copy +. When I merge them in they are not coming up as separate post.  They
> are all one.   Has anyone had to go through this painful process.

Not to this extent, but it can be done with a lot of manual labor.
This URL discusses editing notebooks.

It's not exactly what you are doing, but it explains the format that LOGS
need to be in for LISTSERV to work with and display. If you want to create
a readable monthly log, here is the basic process:
Starting from the very bottom going up....

Oldest message text for this month, then it's headers and finally 73 equal
signs. Continue this process until you reach the most recent message for
this month. Name the file  LISTNAME.LOGyymm
So Feb 1997 log would be named:  LISTNAME.LOG9702
If you used Weekly logs, then you would add an A, B,C,D,or E to the end of
the filename to designate the week. Good luck!