On Tue, 10 Feb 2004 13:15:15 EST, "Gilmore,Mindy" <[log in to unmask]>  said:
> We want to configure our website to have a different address than the
> listserv address.  Example sending the post ends in a @oclc.org, but we
> don't want our webpages to have that, we want listserv.oclc.org.   Has
> anyone out there had to configure their install that way.

With apache, it would be a matter of adding a <VirtualHost> definition...

<VirtualHost your.ip.address.here>
     ServerName www.oclc.org
     DocumentRoot /usr/local/apache/htdocs

<VirtualHost  your.ip.address.here>
    ServerName listserv.oclc.org
    DocumentRoot /usr/local/path/to/listserv/files/here

This of course assumes that your webserver and listserv are running on
the same machine.