On Thu, 26 Feb 2004 08:27:47 PST, "Patrick B. O'Brien" <[log in to unmask]>  said:
> I want to submit a list and have the list email the list at say 0200 in the morning.

> Can I schedule a list to go off at 0200?

Two ideas come to mind:

1) Set a prime time for the list that expires at 2AM.  Note that this trick
has hourly granularity.

2) Use cron/at on a Unix/Linux box, or similar software on Windows, to submit
the job at 2AM.  This is often a better bet if you want to actually do the
submit at 2:13AM to avoid the spike that often happens when all the *other*
cron jobs fire at 2:00AM on the dot.. ;)