At 15:32 03/16/2004 Tuesday, Claude Etienne wrote:

 >Pete Weiss........Thanks but unfortunately, your suggestion didn't work.  I
 >get a none deliverable message saying the address doesn't exist (which I
 >expected because it is a fictitious address) and the list name still appears
 >in the TO: line with the actual recipient address in the BCC: line.

I tried this myself this afternoon.  Subscriber set to IETFHDR, listname
was in the BCC:, non-existent userid (valid hostname) in the TO:
field.  Mail was transmitted and the listname did NOT appear in the
TO:.  Mail did bounce from the non-existent TO:.  I could have sent it to
a real userid.

Depending upon your MTA, it may be that the listname will appear buried
in the RECEIVED headers (like it did on mine).
