> We have a list that contains this keyword, but we still get the bounce.
> Any ideas?  The headers are
> * Subscription= By Owner
> * Errors-To= Owner
> * Review= Owner
> * Validate= Yes
> * Notify= Yes
> *
> * Send= Owners
> * Reply-To= Sender,Respect
> * Default-Options= Repro
> * Loopcheck= Nobody
> *
> * Confidential= Service
> * Service= local
> and part of the message we get is
> >Your message  is being returned to  you unprocessed because it  appears to
> >have already been  distributed to the  L-ADM-HOSTMON list.  That is, a
> >message with identical text  (but possibly with different  mail headers)
> >has been  posted to the list recently, either by you or by  someone else.
> How is this possible?

You are using the wrong option, use  NoCRC  for dupes.