On Tue, 9 Mar 2004, A. ömer Kęker wrote:

>No actually someone complaining about an ip number that listserv runs on
>saying that it is spamming hence getting everything running on that IP
>to be rejected.
>The process at spamcop.net seems to be flawed in the sense that I can
>simply complain about some IP and with a few forged headers get someone
>blacklisted so easily!
>I am sure that spamcop people mean well and we are currently in
>communcation to resolve the issue but it just does not seem right or
>responsible by the mentioned black list. It is taking me longer to clean
>this issue up then it took the politicaly oriented person to get me into
>the list!
>Any suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated.

My understanding is that spamcop runs a test for an open relay before
it adds any IP addresses to its blacklist. Are you saying my understanding
is incorrect?