On Tue, 11 May 2004, Lynne Farrow wrote:

>Thanks Stan but one of the AOL listowners (Gould) still gets the error
>messages. I'm on AOL (Farrow) but I stopped getting error messages as soon as I
>added the newest listowner (Casey).
>I'm wondering if there is something in the listserv software that changed as
>soon as I added the newest listowner. Any ideas?

Nope. Dolars to donuts, your incoming email from Listserv is being
filtered. Contact AOL about this. If you check the archives for this
list, you will see that this problem comes up numerous times. AOL
is notorious for filtering email and just because one AOL user who's
an owner of the list is receiving email, it does not mean the other
AOL users are not subject to filtering.