I have my list set to filter out attachments, and reject messages in html.
Today someone posted to the list with an attachment that made it through the
filter.  I've included my list header below.  Can anyone see why it would let
an attachment through?  The server is using LISTSERV 1.8e.

The attachment was an html file.  It showed up in my e-mail app as an attached
file (which I could download, virus scan, and then open in my web browser), but
in the web archive showed up as embedded html "gibberish".  I'd like to keep
the list free of attachments, and don't understand why it let this one through.

Thanks for your help.


Bill Schults
Co-list-owner, [log in to unmask]
list header looks like this:

Reply-to= Sender,Respect
Daily-Threshold= 200
Ack= No
Sizelim= 1M
Default-Options= Repro,subjecthdr
Subject-Tag= UVB
 Review= Owners
 Subscription= Public,confirm
 Send= Private
 Notify= Yes
 Files= No
 Attachments= No,filter
 Language= NoHTML,NOMIME
 Validate= No
 Confidential= No
 Notebook= Yes,D:\LISTS\PUBLIC,Weekly,Public
 Stats= Normal,Public
 Errors-To= Owners
 Daily-Threshold= 200
 Auto-delete= Yes
 Owner= .....................