At 10:46 AM 10/1/2004 Friday, Chris Barnes wrote:
>I understand why Listserv doesn't want to let these types of messages
>through, but there are so many people on my list who use mua that do it,
>it is just impracticle to keep them from posting.
>How do I let messages which generate the below error message through?

If I interpretted this correctly, not only is practical to keep them from
posting, but apparently it IS working.

Though it is a constant education effort, our customers (list
subscribers) do appreciate NOT having to wade through useless uneditted
REPLYs back to the list.

The poster's ounce of prevention is woth a pound of cure ;-)

[1st day of "RETIREMENT"]

>- -
>The enclosed message, found in the MYLIST mailbox and shown under the
>spool ID #### in the  system log, has been identified as  a possible
>delivery error notice  for  the following  reason:  "Sender:",  "From:"
>or  "Reply-To:"  field pointing to the list has been found in mail body.