On 11/22/2004 10:54 AM, Charles Oriez wrote:

> If the reason you don't want to give them listowner status is that you
> don't want them to get all the administrative messages, you can make them
> quiet owners.
He did not say why he did not want to make them list owners, but the
general nature of this request gives me an opportunity to ask, once
again, for greater granularity in the assignment of owner and postmaster
privileges. This may not be much of an issue at small sites with a few
dozen lists, but it is an issue at some large sites with thousands of

We have encountered situations in which we wanted a given individual
to be able to add and delete subscribers, but there was no reason to
give that individual the authority to change the list configuration.
At present, list configuration management and subscriber management
are linked together. They should be separated.

We have encountered situations in which we wanted a given individual
to be able to manage any list on the server, but there was no reason
to give that individual the authority to change the server configuration.
At present, server configuration management and site-wide list ownership
privileges are linked together. Ideally, it should be possible to
identify groups of related lists, and delegate ownership privileges
at the group level.

Paul Russell
Senior Systems Administrator
OIT Messaging Services Team
University of Notre Dame