At 10:39 1/13/2005 Thursday, Russ Hunt wrote:
 >This is the lazy way to find this out, and I apologize, but I
 >didn't find it immediately on the list or in the documentation,
 >I'm flat out in the midst of something else, and I bet someone
 >knows right of the top of the head: what line do I add to the
 >configuration file to make the archives on a 1.8e list private?
 >-- Russ
 >St. Thomas University
End Reply

In the list definition, find the keyword


One of the operands may say PUBLIC or default to PUBLIC.  That can be 
changed to PRIVATE

other positional operands are unique to your server

Here is how one of my lists is defined with PRIVATE:

Notebook= Yes,/home/listserv/lists/PSU-50Plus-L,Monthly,Private