From another old-timer...

On Thu, 13 Jan 2005, Eric Johnson wrote:

> Stop it. You guys are killing me. I remember when we could fix an error on a
> punch card......

I remember when to fix that punch card error I had to manually 
duplicate the punch card on the ol' 026 keypunch up to the column of 
the error, and then correct the error and duplicate the rest of the 
punch card.

I thought it was such an improvement a few years later, when I worked 
on a keypunch that would read the card into electronic memory, let me 
edit the card in that memory, and then flick a switch that would 
repunch the edited version onto a new card.  Of course, everything 
submitted to the computer itself was still on punch cards...

Times *do* change, don't they...


> Eric Johnson
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