On 13 Jan 2005, at 20:46, Dennis Budd wrote:

>I remember when to fix that punch card error I had to manually 
>duplicate the punch card on the ol' 026 keypunch up to the column of 
>the error, and then correct the error and duplicate the rest of the 
>punch card.

Before the gavel ends the geriatric convention....  Frankfurt Army
High Schools 1967/68 CS class had access to one on-base punch and
got two or three trys per *week* to run on a CDC-160A located down
town.  Wire brush readers weren't too picky so I got extra debug
runs in by carrying blank cards and an Xacto knife, so I could
replace a bad (and typically really terse) fortran statement by
cutting little triangles in a blank.      
                                         "Eagles Uber Alles".