On Thu, 10 Feb 2005, Listserv Manager wrote:

> Lsoft is one of the few "not small" vendors who participates in public
> technical support dialogs with users. In my experience, admittedly mostly
> with very large vendors, it seems they are so afraid of what "might"
> happen if one of their employees says something wrong that they refuse to
> participate. Regardless, I really appreciate it.

Right on!

But, it isn't just fear of what employees would say! We had a user here
who wanted to set up a mailing list to support users of certain products
-- the vendor refused to participate unless they could control the content
and approve all messages. Their fear wasn't what employees would say -- it
was what *customers* would say, and the fact that other customers would
*see* it!


Trish Forrest
Queen's University