One (officially documented) way is to change the subscriber option from
Digest to NoDigest.  If you as the list owner want to use this, it means
you have to keep a record of affected subscribers, so you can restore
their status.  The documentation further says that "set listname
NoDigest" and "set listname digest" commands may be included together,
in order, in a single transaction, to have the desired effect - which
makes the recordkeeping easier (just build yourself a file with the
commands, and paste it into an email as required).  A listowner probably
would use the Quiet option also.

My reading of the 1.8d manual is that changing the list header
digest=yes to digest=no will NOT do what you want - it will instead
simply discard whatever digest may have accumulated at the time, and
subscribers set to Digest would not get any more mail from the list
(until digest=yes is re-established) - the system won't find them and
change their setting for you.  This may have changed in later versions,
but we don't have them here yet.

I will hazard a guess that if the current time is 08:25 and you change
the 'time' portion of the Digest= header keyword to 09 that might work
to get a digest cut at the top of the coming hour.  Adapt this example
as needed for your timezone and waking hours.  And remember to change it
back if you normally want your digests at midnight (or whenever).

>>> [log in to unmask] 3/1/2005 10:40:35 AM >>>
On 10 Feb 2005 at 12:14, David Phillips wrote:

> I'm ready for brute force cudgel methods, if need be ;-)

Is there any way to manually force the digest to be sent out?
