On Fri, 15 Apr 2005 10:37:19 PDT, "Patrick B. O'Brien" said:

> Redirect  permanent http://listserv.state.nv.us http://listserv2.state.nv.us/cgi-bin/wa

2 quick thoughts:

1) Was it intentional to redirect to listserv2?  Note that listserv2 won't have
access to the lists/archives/etc - the 'wa' binary really needs to run on the same
machine as the 'lsv' process (You *might* be able to make it work on 2 different
machines with much abuse of cross-mounted file systems, but it smells like a recipe
for disaster).

1a) If listserv2 and listserv are aliases for the same machine, does the apache.conf
have entries telling to serve content for both?

2) Did you restart apache?