At 08:29 6/7/2005 Tuesday, Rich Greenberg wrote:
>This is not a listserv problem.
>I am just hoping that some of the folks here can tell me why an
>mailer can't relay to another part of the same domain.  I see similar
>errors frequently.  Is it just a config error or a sloppy admin?
>  5 06/06 06/06 Janine xxxxxx <[log in to unmask]>
>                Last error: 5.1.1 Mailer mx3.MCW.EDU said: "550
>                            [log in to unmask] ...Relaying denied"

Could be as "simple" as a faulty DNS "MX" config problem, or perhaps the user has established an invalid forward?, or even an obsolete email address structure?

Postmaster at target sites/domain should be willing to help.
