At 15:35 7/31/2005 Sunday, Jeff Kell wrote:
>listserv postmaster wrote:
>>I have a listowner that maintains  several lists for Pharmacy classes.
>>He wants to change the list so that only faculty can post to the list.
>>This would be about 30 people.  One suggestion was to use a moderated
>>list and put all 30 faculty on as editors (putting all but one in as
>>Quiet).  Are there better ways of accomplishing this?  We use
>>LISTSERV 14.4 on a VM system.
>At least prior to the 14.x releases, you could setup a dummy list with the faculty addresses, say PHARM-FACULTY.  Then in the lists in question, you can use Send= Editor and Editor=x@y,(PHARM-FACULTY).

send= private
default-optons= nopost

SET listname POST FOR faculty1@host
SET listname POST FOR faculty2@host

Peter M. Weiss Consulting
LISTSERV list design and management for over a decade