At 20:54 8/19/2005 Friday, John Lyon wrote:
>> I was asked to set up a discussion list for some of our project themes,
>> but I'm totally clueless on how to set a mailing list. Can anybody help
>> me out with some basic setting up instructions.
>> I have managed to get a copy LISTSERV Lite - the one that doesn't
>> require an user licence agreement. What I need to do is set it up on my
>> computer.
>> We use Novell Groupwise for our e-mail. And we access the internet via
>> a proxy server.

Why doesn't this server serve your purposes?

Otheriwse, setting up a list should not involve acquiring a server, and running all of the attendent system processes, especially if you only have "small" requirements.  You could acquire the services of a virtual list host.

Or perhaps I'm missing something?
