I recently restored some old notebook files for a list, but the 
list's archive page won't show the new files.  Before the restored, I 
had 3 notebooks: list.log0506, lists.log0507 and lists.log0508.  Now 
I have list.log0405 thru log0508.

When I delete the list.dbindex, list.dbnames and list.dbrindex files, 
they get rebuilt and reflect the new notebooks.  However, the 
list.html file is note updated, even overnight and the new list.ind 
files have not been created.  The only 3 that are there are 
list.ind0506, list.ind0507 and list.ind0508.

How can I force the web pages to be updated?
Whoever said you can't buy happiness forgot about puppies.

Bill Verity - 814-865-4758  Fax: 814-863-7049
215A Computer Building - Information Technology Services, Penn State University
At the office - on my Mac, of course ;-)