At SU, I'd have to say that logins and passwords cause people more
problems with listserv than everything else combined. Part of it is people
think automatically of their existing logins and having an email address
as a login is a foreign concept. This is probably applicable mostly to
people in enterprise environments, as they are used to getting access to
everything through the enterprise login. If you're just in the wooly wide
web an email login is quite common.

Another is that people share computers, and person "A" sets a cookie, logs
out of their network login, person "B" logs in to the network, goes to
listserv and can't see any lists (auto logged in with the cooke for person
"A"). And finally, navigating the process of getting/changing a password
just doesn't seem to fit people's expectations. Typically, once it's set
up and working people don't have problems but the setup is difficult for a
small subset of our users.

One small suggestion I would love: a prominent display of the login
address on at least the main list management screen.