On Tue, 27 Sep 2005, Pete Weiss wrote:

>How about a Distribute MAIL JOB ??

This would be too complicated for them, plus I would have to make
them a trusted distribute user. Not something I want to do.

On Tue, 27 Sep 2005, [iso-8859-1] Jean Bidard wrote:

>Yes you are. Let him/her have a set of lists instead of only one. That's
>what I've done here; I call these "containers". Nobody up to now has
>asked for more than 3 or 4 such containers. Trivial solution, but why
>bother if everybody's happy (-:

This may be my solution if they insist on sending more than one mailing
per day

>Jean B.
>P.S. Is noon time part of Prime time? Freeing this period can be an

Noon is prime time. We are fairly active during the day email-wise.

Thanks for the suggestions!
