One of our moderated lists is used for receiving public inquiries. The 
approved emails are then distributed to staff members subscribed to the 
list. Recently, one of the inquiries must have had a "return receipt 
requested" attached. Even though the list is configured "Reply-to= 
sender,Respect" the read and unread return receipts were sent to the 
list as well as Cc'ed to the original sender. Staff members are set to 
bypass moderation. Is there another way to filter/redirect these types 
of messages? Oddly, this is the first time this has happened, and I 
can't believe this is the only time we've received a return request 
since the list started in Jan 1996.

LISTSERV 14.4 Build June 19, 2005

Randy Klumph
[log in to unmask]

Teaching Research Institute
Western Oregon University
345 N Monmouth Ave
Monmouth, OR 97361