On Fri, 30 Sep 2005, A. Harry Williams wrote:

>On Fri, 30 Sep 2005 15:23:17 -0400 Listserv Manager said:
>>For example, the deletes I sent via REGISTER ... OFF last night aren't yet
>>reflected in the SIGNUP files (which have today's time stamps) although if
>>I attempt to delete them again, they aren't there. So I presume this stuff
>>is cached in memory, but I have no idea when the files will reflect the
>Look farther down in the SIGNUP file.  There should be an entry
>with the userid@nodeid and a blank name.

Yes- you are correct. But curiously, a whole bunch that I did earlier
were deleted. One difference, although it may not be relevant, is that
these are "weird" addresses, such as

[log in to unmask]

The driving force behind doing this is to get the size of the SIGNUP files
down to allowable amounts, and if a second entry is going into the file,
then the files are just getting bigger!