> You should be able to use the "normal" GET and PUT commands to send and
> retrieve templates and lists through the TCPGUI.

Not really.

Using GET, the template is sent out to me via e-mail which is not exactly
what I want. I would prefer to get it on stdout.

PUT I think is not usable with lcmdx at all, as it requires
a multi-line command (the template following the actual PUT).
I however managed to X-PUTTPL a template with lcmdx using a similar
mechanism as the developers guide describes for X-STL to replace a
list header.

To make use of that I would need to know the exact semanctics of X-STL,
X-GETTPL and mostly X-PUTTPL.

> The X-commands are probably internal and are likely to change without
> notice.

I can live with the fact that they might change in future Versions.
Listserv thanks God does not not have to be upgraded every other day...
And X-STL *is* documented (even if not extensively).
