Bill Verity wrote:
> I asked lsoft about this and they did not have a solution. I was 
> hoping that we could somehow adapt their DB2 or Oracle code to call 
> LDAP instead.
> Has anyone written a standalone program that queries an LDAP data 
> base, massages the results and then mails the results to listserv to 
> repopulate a list periodically?

Can't help on the first ... Lsoft will find a business reason to  ... 
I'm hoping!  :-)

On the latter, we, and I suspect lots of folks, do this.  Mine send 
e-mail jobs to repopulate the lists; maybe someday I'll change them to 
write directly to LISTSERV via TCP. 

A number of  selections can't be done with LDAP data, but can be done 
with SQL queries of the HR systems ... which output employee IDs.  Drop 
those IDs into a program that looks up e-mail from employee ID in LDAP 
to similarly repopulate a list (this is in development).  I'd *much* 
rather that LISTSERV was flexible enough so my list owners could drop 
their list of employee IDs into the LISTSERV "Bulk" web page, my exit 
would be called to generate e-mail addresses, and the list updated via 
LSoft existing function.  The idea being that what is dropped is simply 
data for the exit.

cheers, wayne