I wanted to emphasize the reason we're investigating mail merge in the
first place.

If an AOL list member clicks on the 'this is spam' button (or whatever
it is in the AOL mailer) we may end up getting blacklisted by AOL.  We
have a feedbackloop setup with AOL where I get a copy of the reported
message, but all identifying headers get stripped.

If we use mailmerge, and put something like "You are subscribed as
&*TO;" in the bottom banner, that To information will be in the
message body, and I'll see the reporter's email address in the report.
 Then, I can either contact them and ask why, or just sign them off
the list.

If there's any other way to do this, I'm ready to learn.

David Phillips
Molon Labe !
35° 46' N , 78° 48'W
Lose Not A Minute!