pour ton info.
si cela s'avérait sans doute des problèmes pour nos listes
nb: Éric Thomas est un des développeurs de Listserv, un des logiciels
de serveur de listes les plus performants et le splus répandus
L-Soft has
joined the growing  number of companies that
protest against
> AOL's recent announcement  that it will phase out  its Enhanced Whitelist
> service in June in favour of Goodmail CertifiedEmail, which carries an as
> yet unspecified per-message fee. In a nutshell, companies like L-Soft get
> on the AOL whitelist by following good e-mail practices, such as cleaning
> up dead addresses, making it easy  for people to leave mailing lists, and
> of course not  sending any spam. This  is all going to be  thrown out the
> window and replaced with the payment of hard currency to Goodmail. People
> who can afford  to pay this fee  will have the privilege  of reaching AOL
> subscribers, others  will end up  in junk  folders. Yahoo is  expected to
> follow down the same path.
> I have nothing  against certification as an additional tool  in the fight
> against spam. Knowing that message such and such genuinely comes from its
> purported sender  can help improve  the accuracy  of your spam  filter. I
> also understand that  certification costs money, unless  sponsored by the
> government or by volunteers donating their time to the cause. But I think
> per-message  certification  fees make  as  much  sense as  per-click  SSL
> certificate fees.  I also find that  the "rumoured" rates that  have been
> mentioned in  some of the  press articles  are totally out  of proportion
> with the service being provided. The  fee is several times what providers
> currently charge  for the service  of hosting the mailing  list, removing
> dead addresses, making backups, etc.  As an illustration, a typical hobby
> list would cost  on the order of  $500-1000 a year. An  active list could
> cost $10k  or more  a year. This  may not be  much for  the advertisement
> manager of a large company, not  when compared to print adverts, but what
> about the rest  of us? I know L-Soft hosting  customers cannot afford the
> price increase that would be necessary  to cover an identification fee of
> five figures PER DAY.
> And for many of us, this identification  fee is not even an option. To be
> eligible for Goodmail accreditation, you must "have business headquarters
> located in the United States or  Canada." Foreigners need not bother. You
> must also "have at least a 6 month mailing history from [the] IP" address
> from which you are sending your  newsletter. This of course makes it very
> difficult to switch  ISPs if you are  not satisfied with the  one you are
> using. A new ISP means a new  IP address, and Goodmail will then shut you
> down for "at least 6 months." A nice 'protection' plan for the ISP, but a
> disaster for customers.
> Anyway, here is a link to our  full press release, which has been sent to
> major  publications today.  And  I  want to  salute  the  courage of  the
> executives at hosting-only  companies that have spoken  up and protested,
> knowing full  well that  they would  go out  of business  in a  matter of
> months were  their access  to AOL and  Yahoo mailboxes to  be cut  off in
> retaliation. In  the post-Enron  era, this kind  of corporate  courage is
> very rare  indeed. I stand  on much firmer ground,  as hosting is  only a
> side activity  at L-Soft,  but I  can still imagine  what must  have gone
> through their mind before they hit the send button.
>   Eric