On Wed, 12 Apr 2006 10:05:13 -0300, Bruno Robichaud said:

> That is so annoying, I mean I don't want listserv to do communication with
> others listserv, what "Other setting I have to set" so it's stopped once and
> for all to do that, or is it possible to stopped it?? 
> That's a issues for me because it's trying to send but get stuck in my ISS
> SMTP because off the following error: 
> Message delivery to the host '' failed while delivering to the
> remote domain 'VM.SE.LSOFT.COM' for the following reason: The remote server
> did not respond to a connection attempt.

It looks to me like you're trying to stop your Listserv from talking to other
listservs so you don't see errors while talking to remote listservs, when the
*real* problem is that you're running ISS and it has trouble talking to remote
sites in general.

What are you going to do when you start running a production load and instead
of Listservs causing trouble, it's the mail servers for actual subscribers?

Don't shoot the messenger. Fix the root cause, not the symptom.