There is a possibility that the machine that Listserv runs on at Queen's 
will be changing domain names or simply moved to another machine in Aug 
2006.  From "" to "".

I have the white paper "Moving LISTSERV® to a New Server" in the event we 
move Listserv to a new box.

However, if we leave everything "as is" and only change the domain name, I 
believe we only have to shut mail & Listserv down, make the change in 
go.user and bring it back up.  This sounds too easy -- Can anyone think of 
any other gochas in this scenario?


ps. 20 years? Tell me it isn't so!  I bet some of us could tell some 
stories. ;-)   Happy Birthday!

Trish Forrest [log in to unmask]
Queen's University