I'll have to see when Dartmouth got their license, and also when SAS got theirs.

My first Listserv list as a participant was the Dead Runners Society
(hosted at Dartmouth) which I joined in the very early 90's (possibly
the late 80's).

SAS was using ListServ lists when I got there, in 1988, and I loaded
the free edition on my PC to run a small list for a while before we
went to DHCP and were hidden behind a firewall.

I was on the Norton Publishing listserv list for the Patrick O'Brian
books (and offered to help them, as they really had no one paying
attention to the admin of the list), and became an admin of the
Gunroom, ([log in to unmask]) when we took over the Listserv Lite
license from Norton.  We've moved hosts three times since, and are now
on 14.4 or .5, running on a Linux box.

This is almost as fun as the BYTE8406 hemi-semi-demi newsgroup list
that started up at IBM back in 1984! (it was really more of a BBS, as
I don't think NNTP had started up at the time.)

David Phillips
Molon Labe !
35° 46' N , 78° 48'W
Lose Not A Minute!