On Jul 5, 2006, at 11:38 AM — 7/5/06, Muth, Jane wrote:

> Is there an easy way to edit or delete messages to a listserver.  I've
> read a section in the L-Soft manual regarding this, but I'm a bit
> confused by the process and was wondering if there was an easy way  
> to do
> this.  It would be nice if L-Soft created an edit or delete button.

The time to edit a  message occurs before it is sent. How reliable  
would a list's archives be if they could easily be modified?
Did you read the Listserv FAQ on this question? The process for  
editting or deleting a message or notebook is in the FAQ.
If you have already read the FAQ, it might help if you explain what  
part of the process confuses you.