I just noticed that the on one of my lists the number of 
reported errors on subscribers is remaining at "1" although the 
errors have been being reported for at least a week or two. The 
message looks like this:

The following n subscribers are currently being monitored:

Err First Last  Address
--- ----- ----- -------
  1 08/09 08/09 [address]
                Last error: 5.5.4 501 #5.1.1 bad address

Err=   Number of delivery errors received thus far
First= Date first delivery error was received (mm/dd)
Last=  Date of most current delivery error (mm/dd)

But that number and date report lists only the most current 
error. Where in the configuration of the list does this get set? 
Has anyone else encountered this?

-- Russ
St. Thomas University