Hal Keen wrote:
> That might be one cause, but in my experience a lot of these nonexistent,
> nonsubscribed users are the result of viruses. Not viruses getting through
> the list, but viruses infecting some of your users' machines.

In my earlier posting I said mentioned only spammers.  That is because, for
things of this sort, generators of singleton errors in the DEMER, I lump
them together as such; generators of singleton errors in the DEMR which are
likely not subscribers.  So, I usually don't pay much attention to them.

If they are due to viruses, and one has nothing better to do, one can try
playing "mix n match", like the viruses do, to find which elements from
which subscribers' addresses (or former subscribers) were used.  But, given
that most people have old email, and old addresses in addressbooks, in
their system all the time, it seems futile to me.

Just learn the hallmarks of the ones you can safely ignore.  And trust the

Oh, by the way, all my lists are set so that nonsubcribers may post, with

 I'll be interested to see if I get an ACK from spider.ease.lsoft.com for
this one.

Douglas Winship  [log in to unmask]